Monday, October 12, 2015

4 Causes of Truck Tire Blowouts You Need to Know About

Tire blowouts are quite common while driving a truck that has 18 wheels, and it can cause panic even in the most experienced of semi truck drivers. Because a blowout results in an actual explosion of the tire, rather than just a flattening, the way the rig will react is often unpredictable.

While some blowouts aren't preventable, there are a few things you can do to mitigate the risk of this happening to you. Here are some things you can do, based on four main causes of tractor trailer blowouts:

Poor maintenance is one cause of semi truck tire blowouts that is entirely preventable by you. By making sure that you're keeping up with the regular maintenance of your truck, and that it continues to meet safety requirements, you're keeping yourself and drivers around you safer.
Improperly inflated tires are another common reason why truckers experience tire blowouts. It is important to check your tires before every trip, because unevenly inflated tires put you at higher risk of blowouts (not to mention it wears out tires and diminishes your already-low fuel economy). Make sure that you're having tires rotated frequently, and changed out as soon as it is needed. 

Road hazards and poorly maintained roads are also reasons that truckers experience tire blowouts, which isn't exactly under your control. This is why it is especially important that you keep up with the first two things. It goes without saying that semi truck drivers always need to be on high alert, because you never know when you'll encounter a road hazard. Some will be unavoidable, while others can be avoided if you're paying attention to the road ahead.

Heat is another cause of truck tire blowouts that many people forget to consider. Ever heard anyone talk about "tire blowout season"? This "season" occurs during the warmer months of the year; usually mid-may through early October. The combination of extreme heat and the heavy loads that truckers pull is what can cause a poorly maintained tire to fail. You can't control how hot it is outside, but you can make sure not to overload your trailer, and to regularly check for proper inflation and "health" of tires.

Have you ever experienced a blowout in your semi-truck? What caused it? Let us know below in the comments! 

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